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The Secret of Nikola Tesla |
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Long shrouded in secrecy, the life of Nikola Tesla is artfully illuminated in this fascinating film. Tesla, born in Croatia in 1856, is considered the father of our modern technological age and one of the gretest scientific minds that ever lived. He was an electrical engineer who changed the world of the AC (alternating current) induction motor, making the universal transmission and distribution of electricity possible. His achievements led to the discovery of radio and television as well as the development of the first hydroelectric dam, remote control, radar tracking for the military and the manipulation of matter and energy. |
His discoveries are also the
basis for the emerging science of Free Energy. Encyclopedia Britannica lists Nikola Tesla
as one of the most fascinating people in history. The Secret of Nikola Tesla, The
Movie is a penetrating study of the life and mind of a "scientific
superman" who against all odds, dedicated his life to the task of designing and improving technology for the service of and advancement of humanity.VHS. Running Time: 105 min. Starring: Orson Welles as J.P.Morgan, Peter Bozovic as Nikola Tesla, Strother Martin as George Westinghouse and Dennis Patrick as Thomas Edison |
Item No. UFO-U216 Price $29.95 |
Hoagland's MARS: The NASA-Cydonia Briefings |
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C. Hoagland is former science consultant to Walter Cronkite; CBS News; CNN; and NASA. At
NASAs request, he has repeatedly presented his findings regarding The Cydonia Region
of Mars to thousands of NASA engineers and scientists at the Goddard Space Flight Center
and Lewis Research Center. Official NASA photos show a Face and a collection
of structures in the Cydonia Region laid out in extraordinary, redundant, mathematical
design, which strongly suggests an intelligent encoded message, but what is it trying to
tell us? Item No. UFO-U050 |
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Physicist Stanton T. Friedman presents the final evidence that we are not alone. This
program documents UFO landings, with photos and videotaped evidence of UFOs from around
the world and reveals the startling story of the governments Cosmic Watergate,
a massive effort to keep UFO information from the public. Item No. UFO-U072 |
testimony from US Army personnel who actually recovered and transported crashed Saucers
and Alien bodies. Nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman tells the complete story of the
government's secret recovery of two crashed saucers with alien bodies near Roswell, New
Mexico in 1947. The story that launched "Alien Autopsy: Fancy or Fiction?" on FOX-TV. Videotaped at Spaceport USA, Cape Canaveral, Florida |
UFOS 50 Years of Denial? |
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We've been told what happened
50 years ago... but what's happened since? Dr. Edgar Mitchell. Apollo 14 Astronaut and the man on the moon reveals that Roswell was a real incident and discusses the 50 year cover-up."They haven't kept it secret...it's been leaking out to the public for 50 years or more..." COL.Philip J. Corso. Member of President Eisenhower's National Security Council and head of the U.S. Army's Foreign Technology Division at the Pentagon. "I had the evidence a crash did happen here..." Item No. UFO-U208 Price $19.95 |
SGT.MAJ.Robert O. Dean. Former intelligence Analyst discusses a top secret study conducted by NATO in the 1960's entitled "An Assessment." "... it was given the highest classification that NATO had at the time which was, and still is, COSMIC TOP SECRET." |
Hoagland's MARS: VOL.II The U.N. Briefing. The Terrestrial Connection |
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The Terrestrial Connection given to delegates and staff at the United Nations on Feb. 27, 1992. It makes a powerful scientific case, with NASA data that the Earth and Solar System have been visited by intelligence from other worlds. This video gives the viewer an inside look at information that NASA, the White House, U.S.Congress, and other governments have already viewed in private briefings. In non-technical language using NASA photos, stunning computer praphics anf other video images, Richard C. Hoagland, as head of an independent Mars investigation team, makes a case for the crucial connectioins between ancient structures on the landscape of the planet mars and the ruins of ancient civilizations on Earth. |
Connections between: |
Anyone curious about
questions of our origins, must take seriously the potential answers offered in these
findings. Length 93 minutes Item No. UFO-U061 Price $39.95 |
Hoagland's MARS: VOL.III The Moon / Mars Connection |
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Ancient alien ruins on the Moon? is it possible? Presented for the first time ever at Ohio State University on June 2, 1994, The Moon / Mars Connection uses NASA's own data to make a compelling scientific case for the existence of ancient alien artifacts on the Earth's nearest neighbor in the Solar System. As no one has done ever before, Hoagland uses state-of-art computer image processing and other analytical techniques to take the viewer into an extraordinary world of possible gigantic structures where NASA says there are none. |
This exceptional new video
is the result of two years of ground breaking research that grows out of Hoagland's
investigations of evidence for E.T. ruins on Mars and their connections to earth
documented earlier in Hoagland's mars: Vols. I & II. Two Video Tape Set. Item No. UFO-U077 Price $49.95 |
UFOS and COSMIC DIMENSIONS. 3 Pack Collectors Edition! |
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Since the dawn of human
history, we have looked out toward the stars as if compelled by an unknown force, telling
us that we are not alone. Drawing conclusions from some of the worlds greatest scientific
minds of our time, this three part epic explores the most important questions of humanity. |
Volume One: The Legend To Reality explores the origins of life on earth from the beginning of recorded history. How we view and define reality and how Extraterrestrial influences may have shaped the outcome of human history. |
Volume Two: Above Top Secret explores the history of our modern technological age, advances in science, the question of UFOs and how our world governments have controlled the flow of information to the public. |
Volume Three: A Chance for Mankind explores the evidence of Extraterrestrial contact and the knowledge they bring as well as their possible influence on the future destiny of human history. |
Featuring Biologist Rupert Sheldrake, Scientist Tom Beardon, Author Chris Griscom and many more. |
1-800-364-4848 or Order Online | ![]() |