Designed to fill the needs of any location that
requires first aid supplies for approximately 25 people. Kit contains the finest in
medical supplies. Contents assembled in a white metal cabinet with metal latch closure.
Can be wall mounted. Contains: 1 box (100) ¾" Sheer Strips, 1 box (10) Butterfly
Wound Closures, 1 box (10) Flexitape ¾" fabric bandage, 1 box (100) non-adherent
pads 2"x3", 2 eye pads, 4 cleansing towelettes, 1 instant cold pack, 2 ammonia
inhalants, 1 pair latex gloves, 1 triangular bandage, 1 roll ½" waterproof tape, 1
stretch gauze bandage (1"), 1 stretch gauze bandage (2"), 1 first aid cream
7/8oz, 1 pair steel scissors, 1 National Safety Council First Aid Guide and one contents
card. |