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related items: Meade Pictor XTE Imaging Systems
Meade® CCD-Photo-Visual Flip-Mirror Systems
An essential accessory for CCD imaging.
A major advance in accessories specifically
designed for CCD imagers of any brand or chip size,
Meade flip-mirror systems permit a dramatic reduction in imager setup time. The basic function of the Flip-Mirror System is to allow the CCD imager or astrophotographer to inspect, center, compose, and focus the telescopic image immediately prior to
(CCD or photographic) image being taken.
Threaded to the rear cell of any Meade LX-Series mirror-lens telescope or to other Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope brands, #644 and #647 Flip Mirrors greatly facilitate these operations.
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Applications: Flip the mirror down to center the image while viewing with an eyepiece at 90º; flip the mirror up to pass light on to th CCD chip or, as discussed below, to the film plane of a 35mm camera. A fine helicoid focusing thread allows for precise focusing of the eyepiece to the visual image in the down mode, and a lock-ring fixes this visual focus.
Optical Flat Mirrors: Meade Flip-Mirror Systems incorporate the same high-resolution Pyrex® optical flat mirrors as used with Meade advanced telescope models, including LX-Schmidt-Cassgrains. The result is that Meade flip-mirrors may be equally well used for normal visual observing with the telescope, without requiing removal of the flip-mirror from the telescope.
Flip-Mirror Alignment: Each flip-mirror system includes 2-axis mirror adjustment screws and locks for precise image centering. Once set, mirror alignment remains fixed for future applications.
CCD Barrel Adapter; Extension Tubes:   For CCD imagers with standard 1.25" barrels, a barrel adapter is included for attachment of the CCD imager to the flip-mirror. Alternately, CCD's with thread interfaces (including all Meade Pictor CCD Models) can be attachedusing one of the two extension tubes included with each unit. The barrel adapter and both of the extension tubes attach to the flip-mirror unit by means of a bayonet fitting, permitting rotation of the barrel adapter or extension tube for correct image composition on the CCD chip or camera film.
35mm Astrophotography: Use the short extension tube (with the appropriate T-Mount) for astrophotography with your 35mm camera body, which replaces the CCD imager at the rear of the flip-mirror.
Technical Note: Owners of the large-chip CCD imagers (e.g., Meade Pictor 1616XT) and flip-mirror purchasers intending to use the unit for astrophotography with a 35mm camera body are advised to purchase the larger model 647 Flip-Mirro System, as the smaller Model 644 may result in image vignetting in these instances.
MIC-07571_647.jpg (226602 bytes) Specifications: Model 647 Flip-Mirror System:
Includes 2" eyepiece-holder and 1.25" eyepiece adapter permitting Use of either 1.25" or 2" eyepieces. Mirror clear aperture: 40mm. Recommended for full-field 35mm astrophotography or for CCD imagers of any chip dimensions, including all Meade Pictor Series through 1616XT, or ST-4 through ST-8; or for visual applications with 1.25" or 2" eyepieces.


MIC-07570_644.jpg (160566 bytes) Specifications: Model 644 Flip-Mirror System:
Accepts any 1.25" eyepiece. Mirror clear aperture: 22mm.
Use with Meade Pictor 208XT, 216XT, or 416XT, or ST-4 through ST-7 or other similar-size CCD's; or for visual observing with 1.25" eyepieces.




msd-t-2090.jpg (63414 bytes) Seasonal Star Chart
This star finder is best designed for night time, and outdoor use. Major stars are printed in luminous ink which glows in the dark. More than 1000 stars and deep sky objects are listed and charted. Seasonal Star Chart has information on various types of galaxies and nebulae. 20pgs.
ITEM# MSD-T-2090
Moon Map
Large 41½" x 37½"
Paper Poster
ITEM# HPL-1302-1
Moon_Map_sm.jpg (4549 bytes)



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